
Lisa Mulliken 

As you are scrolling through our Let’s Talk Quality blog, you may start but not even finish reading this blog article! But what if it was read to you as you were driving, making dinner, or working in the garden? Would you be more likely to listen to the whole thing? As I am not a big music person, I usually have a podcast playing on my phone or in my car as I go about my daily routine. I love podcasts because they are portable and easily accessible on your phone, computer, or tablet, you can listen to them on the go, they are usually free, and they make many chores less mundane. And they provide the opportunity to learn something new during all that time we spend driving, exercising, or folding laundry! 

You can easily listen to a podcast on the program’s website, on your smart phone podcast app, or you can even ask your smart speaker to play a favorite podcast. You can live stream an episode or subscribe to a favorite podcast so new episodes are automatically downloaded to your device for listening without Wi-Fi or cell service. Check out the podcasts below for topics related to parenting and early childhood. 

For a shared listening experience, check out these podcasts for children. From calming bedtime stories to fun facts about dinosaurs, there is sure to be an interesting topic for children and adults to enjoy together. 

So, next time you want to stimulate your mind while you make dinner, provide a calming story for children’s nap or bedtime, or learn something new while walking the dog, choose an episode, hit play, and listen! 


Tags : podcast

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