
Regina Wright


A popsicle stick for each child

2 two-inch celery stalks per child

2 tablespoons of peanut butter per child (substitutions for food allergies can include hummus and cheese spreads)

A small child size handful of raisins


Spread the peanut butter onto the celery stalks with your popsicle stick.

Place the raisins on the celery one by one. Be sure to count each raisin as you go.

As a golden rule, programs will want to follow best practices for sanitary conditions when cooking with children, such as hand washing before and after preparing and or handling food.

Voilà!! Now you have Ants on a Log and you incorporated Math and Fine Motor Skills, as well.


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Tags : cooking experiencecountingfine motormathmeals and snackssnack

The author pqaadmin

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