
Regina Wright


  • Blueberries – up to 10 per child
  • Bananas – 1 per child
  • Strawberries – 4 per child
  • Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt – 3 tablespoons per child
  • Ice – 1 cup per child
  • Water – 1/3 cup per child
  • Popsicle sticks – 1 per child
  • Straws – 1 per child

Remember to wash hands thoroughly before making this delicious, nutritious dessert. Be sure to discuss shapes, colors, and textures while preparing your smoothie.

  1. Ask each child to count up to 10 blueberries and 4 strawberries. Implement more complex math questions (e.g., How many total fruits do you have? What if we take one away?).
  2. Each child can use a popsicle stick to peel and cut their own banana. Remember to ask them to count how many chunks they have.
  3. Stir in 1 cup of ice, 3 tablespoons of Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt, and 1/3 cup of water.
  4. Pour into your portable smoothie machine (or blender) and blend for about 3 minutes.
  5. It’s ready to serve! Talk about the taste and temperature. How does the smoothie make you feel? Don’t forget to wash hands after enjoying your homemade smoothie.

Extension activity:

Create an art project by asking children to draw their favorite dessert. For older children, ask them to write about why they like it. For younger children, you can write what they dictate.

Tags : cookingcooking experiencefoodfood experiencesfruitfruit smoothienutritionnutritious snackrecipe

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