
What’s in a Name?


Amy Hoffman

Think about it: What word seems to be the first that a baby recognizes and responds to? Most babies I’ve observed seem to respond to their names first. Research says that most babies will reach this milestone between 4 and 9 months (although of course this can vary because every child develops at their own pace). A baby’s name is so important to them. It identifies who they are as a unique individual. It helps them to understand their place in their world. It is one way they can know how important they are to the people around them. And as the baby grows into a toddler or preschool child, their name takes on even more meaning. It becomes a way that they can recognize who their friends are. I was in a preschool classroom when a child entered the room for the day. All of the children stopped what they were doing and called out, “Hi Rowan!” Rowan’s face exploded into a grin and I heard him say to his mom, “These are my friends!”

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National Teddy Bear Day

Angel Avery-Wright September 9th brings about National Teddy Bear Day. Do you know where the teddy bear came from? President Theodore Roosevelt was on a bear hunt near Onward, Mississippi on November 14, 1902. Teddy
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School bus

Back to School

Beth Simon August can be an exciting time for parents and children who are getting ready to go back to school and leave carefree summer days behind. Warm summer nights quickly transform into cool fall
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