Barbara Bredell-Searle
According to, the definition for the word affirmation is a (noun) and it is followed by five definitions:
- the act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.
- the assertion that something exists or is true.
- something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.
- confirmation or ratification of the truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc.
- Law. a solemn declaration accepted instead of a statement under oath.
We, as Early Childhood Educators, are always praising (affirming) the children in our programs. You may hear yourself or fellow co-workers say to a child: “You look so nice today,” “You are a wonderful friend,” “I love the picture that you drew for your _____, he/she will love it.” These praises that we express to children motivate them, give them confidence, and leave them feeling good about themselves. We know the importance of lifting each child’s potential so that they will strive with whatever they do. Now, the question is, What about you?
Now before you say, “Why do I need affirmations?” Well, you may or may not, it just depends on how you feel.
Affirmations are positive phrases that you can tell yourself aloud or in your head should you ever need it. Positive words that we speak go a long way. You may have a bad morning before arriving at work because someone cut you off on the highway. You can take a deep breath and say:
“I am going to have a great day.”
“I am happy that I was not hurt by that person in the car who cut me off.”
There are other affirmations that you can express to yourself. Just think positively.
Another situation could be that you are in a situation where you work full time, are the primary caregiver to your own family members, and currently enrolled in continuing education classes to earn your degree. At times, you may feel overwhelmed or want to stop going to school. You can remind yourself and say:
“I got this; I am on my way to receive the degree that I worked hard for.”
“I am deserving to go after what I want; it may be difficult, but I am going to do it.”
We live in a society where there is a lot of stress coming our way at full speed, and sometimes we may feel the pressure of life, disappointments, and challenges. Remembering to give yourself affirmations during a point and time when it’s gloomy, can lift your spirits to happier thoughts. Hey, that is what we do for our children in care, we give them positive words of encouragement so now it’s your turn to do the same for yourself.