
Megan Pittsinger

Why were PA Position Statements created?

The PA Position Statements are the result of the need to consider the impact of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Certification Regulations and other Pennsylvania program specific expectations on the scoring of the items in the Environment Rating Scales (ERS). In the case of each Position Statement, input from multiple sources including the ERS authors, DHS Certification, OCDEL and other experts were considered in the creation of the statements.

Where can I find PA Position Statements?

The PA Position Statements can be found on the PA Keys website,, by locating the QuickLinks dropdown box and selecting ERS on the PA Keys homepage. After selecting ERS, the Environmental Rating Scales (ERS) page will open; the PA Position Statements are located near the bottom of the page.

What Position Statements are available?

Currently there are PA Position Statements for the ITERS-R, ECERS-R, SACERS-U, and FCCERS-R (also in Spanish). All were updated in July 2016. PA Position Statements are organized by ERS Item, ERS Indicator, PA Position Statement, and Supporting Guidance. The PA Position Statements also include guidance for changing diapers, pull ups, and soiled underwear. In addition, a special note regarding the use and supervision of sand for children under 3 years old can be found under the links for the PA Position Statements on the PA Keys website.


PA Early Learning Keys to Quality – Environment Rating Scale (ERS) Assessment

Tags : DHSPennsylvaniaregulations

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