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Sunsetting PA Position Statements for the Environment Rating Scales (ERS)

Sunsetting of PA Position Statements for the Environment Rating Scales (ERS)

In an effort to simplify guidance and strengthen consistent use of program observation instruments for continuous quality improvement, effective August 1, 2024, use of the PA Position Statements for the Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) and School-Age Environment Rating Scale (SACERS) will discontinue. Programs may continue to use ERS, third editions and SACERS-U as quality assessment tools without the position statements.

PA DHS Certification regulations are the foundation of all quality work and compliance is required for all certified programs.

If variance occurs between ERS quality expectations and PA DHS Certification regulations, programs must ensure the regulation is met. Programs utilizing the most updated ERS or SACERS are encouraged to carefully review PA DHS Certification regulations around the following to assure compliance with regulations:

  • Use of hand sanitizer,
  • Handling of soiled diapers,
  • Placement of nap equipment,
  • Mandated Reporter training and policies,
  • First Aid training

Please reach out to a Program Quality Assessor or your Quality Coach with questions. Questions may also be sent to the PQA Team general inbox at


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