
Angel Avery-Wright

Sometimes when assessors reach a center, it is easy to find. There is a big sign out front and the door to enter is clearly visible. Other times when the assessor arrives, she has no idea which building she should be heading toward or which door she should enter. Listed below are a few things that would be helpful for the assessor to know.

First, how do we get there? Assessors need to know where they are going and typically they use GPS. If your center has a new address or an address that does not work in a GPS system, please let us know.

Second, how do we know it’s your center? Programs are found in many places: schools, churches, complexes, strip malls, inside businesses, inside homes, or as stand-alone buildings. Does your building have a sign and is it clearly visible? Is it tiny? On the back of the building? Can the sign be seen from the road?

Third, how do I get into the building? Are there multiple entrances? Which one should be used? Do visitors need photo identification? Is a work badge acceptable or does it need to be a driver’s license? Do visitors need copies of clearances with them? If you are in a building such as a school, do they know to expect us? What are their requirements?

Fourth, does your program have an unusual schedule? Do you start your day with outside play? Do you follow a non-traditional program? Is lunch or nap really late or really early? Let us know beforehand because we may need to change our arrival time.

Fifth, how do we explain ourselves to non-program staff? If the program is located in a school or business building, do the front reception people know we are coming and to expect us?

Sixth, where can an assessor find out about weather closures, late starts or early dismissals? Is there a specific radio or television channel or website that you use? Will you notify the assessor during you window with an email or call?

And last, but not least, who should we ask for when we arrive? Sometimes the person we emailed is not on site. Is there a director, second in command or staff person we should be asking for? If the director is not present we can still begin the assessment, but please let us know who we should be asking for.

A few weeks from now there will be another post letting assessors know what centers wished we knew before we arrive at the center.

Tags : assessment schedulingassessment windowscheduling

The author pqaadmin

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