Stefanie Camoni
“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!” I’m sure most of you sing a little when hearing that phrase. On March 20th, we remember Mr. Rogers as he would have been celebrating his 92nd birthday. This extraordinary man was a pioneer in the field of early childhood and continues to be even after his passing, as his legacy continues. As a child, I remember watching Mr. Rogers put on his cardigan and sneakers and take me to the Land of Make Believe. The lessons learned at the time seemed so small, but I now realize he was focused on the bigger picture. As an adult, I still watch clips and attempt to embrace his words and apply them to my current situations.
Here are my takeaways from Fred Rogers:
Give love to others but always love yourself. There is only one you, he would say, and you are special.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. We only learn from our mistakes and become better from them.
Use your imagination; there’s no limit to where it may take you. Dream big and achieve your goals.
Be kind to those around you. Kindness was always so evident as Mr. Rogers would interact with others in his neighborhood.
Listen to each other. Take the time to listen, really listen. Sometimes someone just needs to be heard.
“Won’t you be my neighbor.”